Monday, December 5, 2011

Lights, Friends, and Controlling the Weather

So I wasn't home much again yesterday but I'm writing again and it's only been a week! Score!

So Monday, we had FHE at Bishops house so Lyndsie and I went to drive up to the church and my car wouldn't start. Again. We got a ride from someone else up to the church and I rode with Maddie to Bishop's. We had dinner and played some get to know you games. Then Maddie brought my car back to life and I drove it around for like an hour to make sure it wouldn't die. On my drive, I got some pretty pictures!
The Provo temple all lit up and gorgeous.
The Riverwoods had lights all over and it was pretty :)

Tuesday, had work and school like usual. Then went over to B1223 for breakfast food and games with friends that night. We watched Seven Brides for Seven Brothers while making snowflakes (I worked on homework). Not much else to post about for that day.

Wednesday went to the temple with Maddie as usual but got some pretty pictures! The sun was gorgeous against the clouds before we went and the temple had put a nativity scene out. I also found out that my braces were done! I made an appointment for Monday (they weren't quite ready for me that day or I totally would have gone that very day haha).
(Maddie has an even better one of this shot but I'm waiting to get it from her)

Thursday, I had a math test (which I felt totally prepared for until I started then I felt like I forgot everything). I worked then I packed up my dishes to move them to my new place. Not too exciting of a day haha.

 Friday, yet another day of school and work. I found out that I did fairly well on my math test :) Went over to B1223 after work to move my dishes in there and ended up hanging out to make ornaments with candy canes. 
My candy cane reindeer :)

Lauren's cute penguin candy cane

Saturday, there was an ice skating activity. I planned to go just to hang out since I am missing a brace but of course being me, I can't just sit on the sidelines. I decided to give it a try with only having one brace and to my disbelief, I was able to do it! I went around 3 times and was throughly exhausted but it was fun! I had given my camera to a friend so we got some pictures!
Skating with Lyndsie
Lauren, Millie, Gaetana, me (left to right)

Sunday, I had my meetings and church. Even though I'm hungry, I love fast Sundays. My stomach growled several times during sacrament meeting, which made Mary chuckle, but it was good. The stake RS presidency came and taught us about modesty. They did a very good job at teaching about it bluntly but not awkwardly. The First Presidency Christmas Devotional was that night and as always it was very good.

To others dismay, it still has not snowed. We have been joking that I have been controlling the weather because I said that it can't snow till after I get my braces and the few times that it has snowed, it's been at night and hasn't stuck. Even when the weather says that we're going to have a major snow, it hasn't come. Since I'm getting my braces in just a few hours, we're pretty convinced that it's gonna come very soon haha. I am so glad it hasn't come though cuz I don't think I would do very good with one brace and snow. This past week was good and I hope this one will be just as grand! Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Catch Up Time!!

I realized that I haven't posted in a really really long time! I was gonna post yesterday but I wasn't home much. Anyway, time to catch up!

Since I posted last, I have moved into another apartment in my ward (and am going to move into a different one next month haha). I am still the Relief Society president in my ward while going to school full time and working part time. This semester has flown by!! Seriously, I could have sworn that yesterday was September but it's practically December! Before we know it, it'll be Christmas. Crazy!

About 2 months ago, my left brace broke for good. It's been broken for about 2 years but it broke to the point that I can't even wear it anymore cuz it won't bend at all. I've been using my wheelchair except when I go into apartments or just short trips and then I walk since I still have my right brace. On Halloween I got the casting done to get new braces so now I'm just anxiously waiting for the call that my new pair of braces are done :D

Monday was just a typical Monday, long. I went to classes and didn't have work. Maddie invited me to go to her dance competition so that was fun to see. Pretty much that's all that happened on Monday.

This past weekend was Thanksgiving weekend and I was able to spend it with my dear sister, Lexi. She came down on Tuesday night and we just hung out all weekend. After she got into town on Tuesday, I took her and Ellyn (Lexi's roommate/best friend) to In 'N Out then dropped Ellyn off at her aunt's house in Provo. Then we went to Lauren, Amelia and Mary's place (where I'm moving into next month) and watched Princess Bride. Lexi didn't want to leave so we ended up sleeping over.

Wednesday, we went to Ikea. Lexi had been asking me if we could go since she loves that place so that's how I got her up that morning haha. As soon as I said let's go to Ikea she was ready in like 15 minutes. We went through the whole store and got swedish meatballs. We also went to Target then chilled at my apartment watching movies.

Thursday for Thanksgiving, the first counselor in my bishopric had invited some of us over so Lexi, Sam, James, Josie, Alissa and I went and had a yummy meal with his family. It was nice to hang out and not have to worry about making any food. They sent us home with some leftovers so I now have some turkey and rainbow jello in my fridge :) Lexi ended up taking a 3 hour nap after we got back and I ended up taking a nap also (at like 9 haha).

Friday, we did homework until we went to Carley and Paul's wedding reception. They looked so happy and their reception was very pretty.
Lucky for us, I still had window crayons in my car so Lauren, Mary and I wrote on their car windows :) Afterwards, Lexi and I went over to B1223 (the place I'm moving into) and Lauren, Amelia and I put together my little Charlie Brown christmas tree while watching a movie.

Saturday we got up a little earlier, picked up Ellyn and her cousin, and met Lauren, Amelia, and her sister Katy for breakfast a Denny's. It was Lexi's early birthday gift.
Then Lexi and I went back to my apartment and did homework until Lexi convinced me to make tacos. That night, Lauren invited us to go with her to carol at an old folks home. Lexi decided to stay behind and work on homework but I decided that I needed a break so I went along. We met up with some other people from institute and had fun singing Christmas songs to the residents of the home we went to. Most of them go to bed around 8 so we left shortly after that and decided to stop for ice cream at McDonalds.

Yesterday I woke up feeling really yucky and not feeling good at all so that wasn't fun but I still managed to make it through the day. It was a typical Sunday that I'm not at home very much. I went to my 2 meetings before church, picked Lexi up for church, then shortly after church was over, she left and I went back to the church for tithing settlement. I woke up feeling really yucky and not feeling good at all so that wasn't fun but I still managed to make it through the day. Aubrey got back from going home and we ended up talking for a couple hours until I went home, took Nyquil and went to bed around midnight.

I woke up at noon today still not feeling well but I haven't taken any meds today and am feeling better than yesterday. I hope this cold goes away as fast as it came (I felt fine Saturday but it hit out of no where on Sunday). I haven't really done anything today except talked to Brittney and Carli and chilled in my pjs in bed. Tonight for fhe we're going to bishops house for food and games. I'm gonna take some meds and hope that I feel better.

Well that's what happened this week! I plan to post weekly so it shouldn't be another 5 months till I post again haha.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane

Wow it's been a long time since I posted. I've been so busy that I haven't even had the chance to post. So here's an update!

At the end of April, I got called to be the Relief Society president in my ward. 2 weeks later, I moved into a new apartment with 2 girls that I know and get along with great. I love it here. It is so much better than I was in before. School started a few days after I moved in here and I've been continuing to work a bunch so with all of that, I've been very busy. I'm doing block classes (an entire class in half a semester) because there weren't any full semester classes available. I had 3 classes (6 credits) first block and started with 2 classes (7 credits) but dropped my geology class cuz I couldn't handle that and spanish. It cut down on my stress a lot.

About 2 weeks ago I made the decision to stay here in Orem instead of going back up to Idaho. I am transferring from BYUI to UVU and will finish here. I was getting really stressed about going back up there for multiple reasons. I couldn't register until after I completed classes at UVU and got my credits transferred. I tried to get housing but I was ineligible for approved housing since I was on suspension. Most of my friends are graduating in a week so I would have to start over when I went back. I was going going to be going back and forth between Orem and Idaho. When I thought about it, it just made sense to stay here. I made the decision and prayed about it and this is where I'm supposed to be. As soon as that decision was made, the stress went away. I'm excited to see what happens in my life here :) I registered for a few classes but now I just have to wait for my credits to transfer to register for my other class (it has a prerequisite that will be covered from one of my transferring classes).

Well that's basically my life right now. I'll try to post again soon and not have it be another 4 months haha.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Weekend with Maddie

This weekend was awesome!! Spent almost the entire Saturday and Sunday with my friend Maddie. We had a blast.

The stake Relief Society presidency put together a morningside and luncheon to celebrate the Relief Society organization's birthday and to put a close to our Honduras service project (collected gently used ties and new white shirts for missionaries). They showed a video where they showed pictures from service groups in Honduras. Then we ate some really yummy salad.

Next! Went back to Maddie's place so she could get changed for the Holi Color Festival! It was sooo much fun! The weather was nice (didn't even have to wear a jacket). So here is how the Color Festival works :)

Make sure that your car is prepared to be colored in chalk

You dress in white and walk up a huge hill

You see other people covered in color and get even more excited

People are super nice and offer to give you a ride up the last 1/4 of the major hill

As soon as you get out of this nice lady's car, you get pegged by kids leaving

You get bags of color and protect your nose and mouth

You protect your camera in a method of your choosing (mine was a ziploc bag hence the blurry-ness)
And run into friends! (this is Marty, my home teacher)

You have fun throwing color at people and having people throw color at you.
After a count-down and everyone throws color at the same time (causing a major fog of color), you are completely covered in color!

Then you walk down the major hill and cuz you are still tired from walking up it you take lots of breaks where you discover that the color all over your face brings out the color of your eyes

Then you get back to the car and take another picture because you had so much fun but are super tired from walking down the major hill

Next! (No, we are not finished for Saturday haha). We had a huge group date at our 1st counselor's house. We played signs, ate spaghetti, played Guesstures, then some of us decided that they wanted to leave cuz we had an early morning meeting the next day. It was fun. I have a few pictures but they are on my camera still and they were just pictures of people there.

Early stake leadership meeting (8:00 meeting). Then church where our beloved 2nd counselor in the bishopric was released. It was an emotional time for many of us but we are looking forward to getting to know our new 2nd counselor. It was also emotional because it was the last Sunday in our building. The stakes in all of Orem are being re-organized so our ward is moving stakes and going to be at the building up the street from our complex.

Monday: (I know it's not the weekend but it was still exciting)
Me, the chicken who hates needles, was brave enough to try to donate blood for the 3rd time! Last summer I found out that I could donate blood so when I went to donate, they turned me away cuz they were full. This past fall I got sick just days before the donation so I couldn't donate. This time, I wasn't sick and was determined to donate. I was super nervous though (refer to earlier when I said I hate needles). I knew though, that once I got the first donation done I would be fine for future donations. I was super prepared though because I drank OJ all day yesterday and had Maddie (my support buddy for donating) pick me up in case I got dizzy and couldn't drive. We almost got turned away because there was a huge line but they said to come back for our appointment time and they'd see if we could get in. We went back and there was no line! Maddie decided to also donate for the first time :) She was just ahead of me in line and was perfectly fine. I passed the initial test (with the finger prick) then went to donate. The needle part wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. The guy drawing my blood was super patient with me being that it was my first time and I was nervous. He said I had excellent veins and was a fast bleeder though :) Anyways, I was almost done when I realized that the ceiling wasn't quite looking normal and my hearing started to go funny. I told them and they got me a bottle of water and I started feeling fine again. He had me lay on the chair for a little longer than normal to be sure I'd be ok. It was funny though because he told me no extraneous activity. I was like "what about going to my apartment and the stairs to get there." He laughed and just said to have someone go with me up the stairs to be sure I'd make it. I even let Maddie walk behind me despite the fact that I always have everyone go in front of me. I'm all good now (got a good nights sleep and have been drinking juice this morning). I am totally ready to donate again and maybe I won't almost pass out next time.

This weekend was the best weekend I've had in a while :) I have so many good friends in my life and I don't know what I would do without them. Love you all!! :D

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

At Wits End

I can't take this anymore. One of my roommates and I got into a major fight last night. Like full on yelling fight. I'm not proud of it at all; that hasn't happened in years. After a while she wanted to talk but I wasn't ready. I know myself; I wouldn't have really listened cuz I was still very upset. I told her that we'd have to wait to talk until I as calm. I already didn't feel comfortable here but now it's worse. I don't even want to be here at all. I've been in my room all morning except to go to the bathroom. I have tried to be patient but I have run out of patience. I just want out. One more month...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Update and Good News

I know it's been FOREVER since I posted. I kinda gave up on the post a picture a day thing and nothing really exciting was happening. Then my plans took a U-turn and I have a lot to catch you guys up on!

So, as far as my mission goes, I'm not going to go on an official mission. I'm only a little disappointed about that cuz I think it'd be awesome to go but I feel good about the decision not to go. I don't really want to elaborate on why. If you really wanna know, ask and I might tell you :)

(By the way, I already wrote this next paragraph but then my browser froze and I had to restart it and it hadn't saved so I am having to re-write it :-/ )
Now just because I'm not going on a mission, does not mean that I have no plans for my life. Quite the opposite! I am going to go to UVU this summer! Then this fall I am going to go back to BYUI. I already talked to the people up in Rexburg and they said that as long as school this semester at UVU goes well then I'm good to go back up. I'll be cutting it close though cuz I can't petition to go back until I get the grades from this summer. I figure that since the classes I'm taking this fall are upper level classes, I can probably talk to the teachers and get in (I know most of the teachers anyway hehe). I'm starting to look at housing now though cuz other wise I'm not going to find anything. My only issue now is to find somewhere where they'll let me bring my hermit crabs hehe. I'm going to send out a mass email to housing that I'm interested in and see if any of them will let me (besides, they are no problem whatsoever; fish can pose a water damage issue). It's funny though cuz I go: Summer 2011-Orem, Fall 2011-Rexburg, Winter 2012-Orem, Spring 2012-Rexburg, Summer and Fall 2012-Orem. Since I'm off track for Winter semester I'll come back here then after Spring 2012 I'll be student teaching back in Utah so I'll come back then too. This fall will be bitter sweet though cuz a lot of my Rexburg friends will be gone by this fall and I've made a lot of friends here in Orem. I'll make more friends up there and it'll be good for me but still. I'm excited though!

My roommate situation right now is, to put it lightly, sucky! I feel like they don't like me and are bothered by me but they don't talk to me about it. I feel like we're just living together and tolerating one another rather than being friends and being more than just girls assigned to an apartment together. I'm tired of living in a situation like this. Conveniently, my Relief Society president is going home for the summer but is coming back for the fall. We talked to the management and they are going to let me transfer up to the complex next door to where I live now (which is owned by the same people) and take over her contract for the summer. She would like to move back into the same apartment that she's in now when she comes back this fall and I'm leaving this fall so it's a win-win situation for both of us (except that all of us here will miss her!).

On a brighter note, I'm happy with the decisions that I've made in my life most recently and I feel good about them. I know that I'm on the right track to being where I need to be. I'm not there yet, I know I have things that I need to work on, but I'm getting there.

I know that I said I wasn't going to talk about Stuart on this blog, but this is good news. Besides, I can't just pretend that he wasn't a part of my life because he was and I've learned so much from that whole experience. I do know now, that I'm over him. I drove by his apartment complex last week and it didn't hurt at all. I didn't look for his car like every other time I have driven by it (old habit I had to break). I have forgiven him for what he did to me, but it doesn't hurt anymore. I am ready to move on in my life and find my true eternal companion. I know that he's out there and I am patiently searching for him. In order to find him though, I have to date and I am ready for it! Bring it on! :D

PS. I have recently found this song that I listen to probably too much but I love it. It's called The Ping Pong Song (Do You Know) by Enrique Inglesias. The chorus goes "Do you know what it feels like loving someone that's in a rush to throw you away?" That's how I feel that Stuart felt about me. Not the whole song, but just parts. He didn't care and just threw me away. But I'm back and ready for the game of life again :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In a Funk

I'm really feeling weird yesterday and today. I just feel in a funk. I feel alone. Almost all of my very good friends are far away; some within a few hours away and some across the country. I get up, try to be productive until I go to work, I work, then up for a couple hours before going to bed. The only social experiences I have are FHE and church but those are both at the beginning of the week. I just feel like I don't have anyone here even though I do have friends here. I try to get out but then I just feel like a burden. This is a really short post but that is how I'm feeling. I don't know what to do to get out of this funk I'm in.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Strictly Venting

I have so much on my mind right now so I'm just gonna go for it.

First: I love going to FHE. I schedule work so that I can get off in time to make it there on time. But lately it just isn't so fun. We never know what is going on. I'm a group leader and I'm not ever told what is going on and I find out that I have to plan an activity for the next day. When it is groups, I never know how many are going to be there because it's very unpredictable. My group is currently the only functioning group so people hear that it is groups and they don't know where to go but hear about my group so they show up. I don't mind because the more the merrier but I just never know how many to plan for. Also, my partner is MIA (I haven't seen him since our first group activity and that was back in November). They're working on fixing that problem but I hope they get it figured out soon. Yesterday, I had no idea what FHE today was going to be so I asked both of the co-chairs and neither of them knew. One of them decided to do a ward FHE (which I was totally ok with cuz I had no idea what activity I would have done). He was fresh out of ideas for activities though so he was brainstorming with people.  I didn't have any activity ideas, but I did ask for it to be something that I can do (we've been having sport activities and they've been sports that I can't do). Well, when I got to our pre-determined meeting place tonight, I found out that we were gonna play ultimate frisbee and then capture the flag. I was a little upset but I went anyway because I like to support FHE and they needed people to drive to the park. I ended up watching and freezing. By the time we left, I seriously couldn't feel my feet because they were so cold. The FHE co-chair said that he wasn't creative enough to come up with something I could do. I try not to let it bother me, but sometimes, it does.

Next: I love to serve. I really do. It makes me happy knowing that I helped someone, especially when I serve my friends. I enjoy going out of my way to help people. Sometimes though, I think that I go out of my way enough that I come off too strong. I just get this vibe sometimes after I go out of my way to help someone. I get this feeling that they are thinking " are trying way too hard. You really need to back off." Then I feel worse not better. I just don't know what to do about it. This isn't just a one time thing. It's happened several times.

Next: I love that I have the blessing to be able to walk. I really do consider it a blessing because without my braces and crutches I wouldn't be able to walk at all. I usually have this view but sometimes I falter and just can't be strong anymore. I have my down days where it catches up with me. Sometimes I honestly just don't want to put my braces on because they feel restrictive (which is ironic seeming as they provide me with freedom but that's how it feels).  These down days usually happen only about once a month or longer but lately they've been more frequent. I've had several down days the past month. I think the combination of having had a broken brace for a year, and the knowledge of what I used to be able to do and now can't are just getting to me. I'm not giving up at all, it is just taking more effort to be positive than it used to. Please don't take this section as me not being appreciative for what I have right now because I really do enjoy the time that I have being able to walk. There's just times where I wish I could do more than I can.

Next: I'm struggling to get along with one of my roommates. I have wanted to talk to her about it but she doesn't usually understand what I am saying because her english is her second language and she still doesn't know it very well. Tonight we actually tried to talk it out but I don't think we were actually on the same page. See, the thing that bothers me is when I am in the living room/kitchen area alone and I am either watching or listening to something on my computer without headphones (I'm alone in the rooms and it's not very loud) or I'm watching something on the tv (again, not very loud and no one else is in the rooms) and she comes out and turns her music or show on without headphones. Typically, this is when you say well what if I was in the other person's shoes. So, if I was in her position, and my roommate had a show or music playing when I came into the public room, I would either ask if they could put headphones in (while I myself put my headphones in) or I would just put my headphones in because that other person was in the room first. That is just how things have always been in every living situation I've been in. Just common courtesy. It's just a little petty thing I know. She also kicked me out of the living room one time because she was having friends over for dinner and she said I couldn't be out there. It was just the way it went down that it bothered me. I'm just trying to figure out how to talk to her about it because I don't know how. Tonight was not a good time for us to talk about it though because I really wasn't in a good mood so now I feel bad.

Ok I'm done venting. I know it doesn't solve anything (I'm still working on that) but I do feel a little better just getting it out.

PS. I know that I'm behind on my daily picture posts. I have pics from some of the days I've missed, I just haven't gotten them posted and am not really in the mood tonight.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Personal Challenge Day 10

I almost forgot to post again! So I made breakfast this morning and was working on other things while eating it and didn't clean up for a few hours. This was the result:
No, that is not the floor, that is my ceiling (camera under pan)

My cream of wheat defined gravity! Haha. It came out no problem, but I thought it was a funny picture :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Personal Challenge Day 9-some people prove their idiocrisy through their actions...

I almost forgot to post tonight! I went to pick up a friend from the library (it was 11:30 and really cold with the wind) and when I got back I was like time for bed then was like wait I gotta post! I took a picture especially to post about today and everything.
See the lines under this car? Ya, they were parked illegally right between 2 handicap spots that had cars parked there (one is mine-it's my own personal parking spot haha. Not technically but I'm one of the few that can actually park there). Anyway...I went to leave work and I was like uh...that is not ok! See, in the bottom left corner of the picture is a white thing which is my car. She was parked so close to my car and it was hard for me to actually get to and then into my car. She came out while I was getting in and was like sorry and I was just like uh...ya...this isn't really a parking spot... and she was just like I realized that now sorry. I was just thinking do you not look at the ground before you park? There was a reason that no one was parked right there right in front of the doors. That in and of itself is a reason to suspect that something is wrong with that spot. Some people just need to pay more attention. Ok I'm done venting :) Night!

Personal Challenge Day 9

So today was a busy day (comes with the job haha). I'm basically my Relief Society President's other half of her brain when it comes to the Relief Society so I get to tag along for all kinds of meetings and take lots of notes and remind her about activities (like one that is this Thursday that she is in charge of haha). I just love her. Anyways, I didn't have anything interesting to take a picture of until I was updating my records for Relief Society and eating my snack :)

I absolutely LOVE goldfish! They are my favorite snack and I was excited when the stake Relief Society President told me to pick a snack from their secret stash and there was goldfish. They are just so tasty :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Personal Challenge Day 8

So I was up super late filling out job applications. When I woke up this morning, I had a funny mark on my hand so I decided that would be my picture for the day haha.

I have no idea how this mark got there. It wasn't there when I went to sleep but when I woke up, there it was! Any ideas?

While taking this picture though, I noticed my hitch-hikers thumb and thought it'd be fun to take a picture of!

There's your very interesting post for the day! Haha

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Personal Challenge Day 7

So I'm super tired cuz it's really late, but I've been working on job applications for the past couple hours. Nevertheless, I took my picture of the day and am going to post it!

Today, after work, I was talking with a friend and we decided to get dinner. We went to Taco Bell cuz it's cheap and yummy. Then she said that we should go to Shopko and get the huge gumballs. We had nothing better to do so we did it. We spent an hour in Shopko trying to break down our ginormous gumballs! Seriously, they were huge:
Now Rachel had the purple one but switched cuz she wanted the green one. I didn't realize till later that her's was smaller!

I have lots of pictures of me trying to break down that sucker but I am too tired to choose them right now. Besides, I have not effectively blown a massive bubble with my gumball yet. Rachel on the hand did it! She had done it before though...
Look at that massive thing!

My jaw hurts too from chewing so much. Anyways, I'm super tired and am going to bed now :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Personal Challenge Day 6

So today we had a Relief Society activity where we brought items that represented us and put them in a brown bag and tried to identify who it was. I took a picture of my items just to share with you all!

Picture of my mom: I was going to bring a family picture, but I thought that it would be too obvious with me in the picture.
Picture of San Diego temple: I love temples but especially the San Diego temple
Drawing pencils: I love to draw and I wish that I wasn't such a perfectionist when it came to art projects or I'd draw a lot more.
Pen: It's kinda dark but there is a pen next to the drawing pencils. I actually love to write. Not usually anything in particular. I love just writing out my feelings
Flashlight: This represents how I try to be an example to my peers; to be a "light" to them
Black knob: that is actually the knob that I use to steer my car. I love to drive :)
Sticker: It says "You laugh because I'm different...I laugh because you're all the same!" Totally is me. The blue band around it says Divine Nature and I thought they went well together. I remind myself that I am special to my Heavenly Father and that's all that matters :)
Mouthpiece and headphones: I put these together to represent music. I love to play music and to listen to music. Pretty much I'm an all around music junkie.
Duct tape: I pretty much will fix anything with duct tape. It's a rare occasion when I don't own a role and that's usually when I'm between roles. One of my braces is actually being held together with duct tape right now.

One of the girls knew who's bag it was just from the duct tape. I thought that was pretty awesome. Well, there's my post for the day!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Personal Challenge Day 5

Apparently, when you like someone for at least 8 years, it's harder to get over them. Even when you have a relationship after supposedly getting over them. I noticed that he changed is profile picture today so I looked at it just like I do with other friends. his new picture is of him and a girl cuddling with someone in the background making a heart with their hands. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he met someone. He seems happy from the picture. I just always hoped that it would be me.

I saw that right before I left for work so I had no time for self-pity. One of m good friends at work saw me and asked me what was wrong because she could just tell that I was sad. I told her and wrote most of this at work in a notebook (I was dialing today which gave me almost too much time to think). I feel a little better now (I usually feel better after talking to people and writing) but tonight I am so having a nice bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup. That'll be my picture for today!

All of the above writing is what I wrote at work. And yes, I did have my bowl of ice cream :)

I think it was just the unexpectedness of the whole thing. I feel much better now (and not just because of the ice cream haha). I was just sad and hurt a bit. I really will be ok.

I'm going to bed here pretty quick. Night!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Last Look at the Past/Personal Challenge Day 4

I was able to get my blog restored but I'm going to keep this one and primarily use this one. I'm starting over so I am not going to be posting about my ex on this blog. If you wanna read the story, read my other blog ( It's not that I don't wanna talk about it cuz I will if someone wants to know what happened or if I need to vent, but I just felt so relieved after cutting off ALL communication with him and I don't wanna dwell on the past. I wanna move on so I am.

So...Daily Personal Challenge! I had to look it up. It's day 4!
Yesterday I did take a pic but I forgot to post it until I was in bed and I didn't wanna post it since I was going to sleep.

Heck yes, that is the Nebraska Huskers. When I was a kid, the only sports we watched were the San Diego Padres (if you don't know, that's our baseball team) and the Nebraska Huskers (football). I don't really follow them anymore but I still enjoy them.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Aunt Panda

So I got this awesome BFF.
(yes, that is from forever ago)

She nicknamed me Panda, which I became accustomed to and would even respond to. We joked that to each others kids we would be "auntie." Soon she got married and had a cute little girl named Carli

They moved to Florida a week after she was born, but ever time we talk on the phone or online with video chat, Brittney calls me Aunt Panda to Carli. Since I am the oldest in my family and therefore have no nieces or nephews, I enjoy this. And there ya go! The story of why I am Aunt Panda :)

Starting over

After intending to delete my old email so that I would be completely done with Stuart, I accidentally deleted my replacement email. I had spent the afternoon transferring my emails, blog subscriptions to friend's blogs, and my blog to the new email address. I then was entirely ready to delete my old email but somehow I got logged into my new email which deleted it which took my blog with it. So I started a new one! I hope I can get my old blog back again and if I do then I'll just move these posts there. Night!