Saturday, July 16, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane

Wow it's been a long time since I posted. I've been so busy that I haven't even had the chance to post. So here's an update!

At the end of April, I got called to be the Relief Society president in my ward. 2 weeks later, I moved into a new apartment with 2 girls that I know and get along with great. I love it here. It is so much better than I was in before. School started a few days after I moved in here and I've been continuing to work a bunch so with all of that, I've been very busy. I'm doing block classes (an entire class in half a semester) because there weren't any full semester classes available. I had 3 classes (6 credits) first block and started with 2 classes (7 credits) but dropped my geology class cuz I couldn't handle that and spanish. It cut down on my stress a lot.

About 2 weeks ago I made the decision to stay here in Orem instead of going back up to Idaho. I am transferring from BYUI to UVU and will finish here. I was getting really stressed about going back up there for multiple reasons. I couldn't register until after I completed classes at UVU and got my credits transferred. I tried to get housing but I was ineligible for approved housing since I was on suspension. Most of my friends are graduating in a week so I would have to start over when I went back. I was going going to be going back and forth between Orem and Idaho. When I thought about it, it just made sense to stay here. I made the decision and prayed about it and this is where I'm supposed to be. As soon as that decision was made, the stress went away. I'm excited to see what happens in my life here :) I registered for a few classes but now I just have to wait for my credits to transfer to register for my other class (it has a prerequisite that will be covered from one of my transferring classes).

Well that's basically my life right now. I'll try to post again soon and not have it be another 4 months haha.

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