Monday, November 28, 2011

Catch Up Time!!

I realized that I haven't posted in a really really long time! I was gonna post yesterday but I wasn't home much. Anyway, time to catch up!

Since I posted last, I have moved into another apartment in my ward (and am going to move into a different one next month haha). I am still the Relief Society president in my ward while going to school full time and working part time. This semester has flown by!! Seriously, I could have sworn that yesterday was September but it's practically December! Before we know it, it'll be Christmas. Crazy!

About 2 months ago, my left brace broke for good. It's been broken for about 2 years but it broke to the point that I can't even wear it anymore cuz it won't bend at all. I've been using my wheelchair except when I go into apartments or just short trips and then I walk since I still have my right brace. On Halloween I got the casting done to get new braces so now I'm just anxiously waiting for the call that my new pair of braces are done :D

Monday was just a typical Monday, long. I went to classes and didn't have work. Maddie invited me to go to her dance competition so that was fun to see. Pretty much that's all that happened on Monday.

This past weekend was Thanksgiving weekend and I was able to spend it with my dear sister, Lexi. She came down on Tuesday night and we just hung out all weekend. After she got into town on Tuesday, I took her and Ellyn (Lexi's roommate/best friend) to In 'N Out then dropped Ellyn off at her aunt's house in Provo. Then we went to Lauren, Amelia and Mary's place (where I'm moving into next month) and watched Princess Bride. Lexi didn't want to leave so we ended up sleeping over.

Wednesday, we went to Ikea. Lexi had been asking me if we could go since she loves that place so that's how I got her up that morning haha. As soon as I said let's go to Ikea she was ready in like 15 minutes. We went through the whole store and got swedish meatballs. We also went to Target then chilled at my apartment watching movies.

Thursday for Thanksgiving, the first counselor in my bishopric had invited some of us over so Lexi, Sam, James, Josie, Alissa and I went and had a yummy meal with his family. It was nice to hang out and not have to worry about making any food. They sent us home with some leftovers so I now have some turkey and rainbow jello in my fridge :) Lexi ended up taking a 3 hour nap after we got back and I ended up taking a nap also (at like 9 haha).

Friday, we did homework until we went to Carley and Paul's wedding reception. They looked so happy and their reception was very pretty.
Lucky for us, I still had window crayons in my car so Lauren, Mary and I wrote on their car windows :) Afterwards, Lexi and I went over to B1223 (the place I'm moving into) and Lauren, Amelia and I put together my little Charlie Brown christmas tree while watching a movie.

Saturday we got up a little earlier, picked up Ellyn and her cousin, and met Lauren, Amelia, and her sister Katy for breakfast a Denny's. It was Lexi's early birthday gift.
Then Lexi and I went back to my apartment and did homework until Lexi convinced me to make tacos. That night, Lauren invited us to go with her to carol at an old folks home. Lexi decided to stay behind and work on homework but I decided that I needed a break so I went along. We met up with some other people from institute and had fun singing Christmas songs to the residents of the home we went to. Most of them go to bed around 8 so we left shortly after that and decided to stop for ice cream at McDonalds.

Yesterday I woke up feeling really yucky and not feeling good at all so that wasn't fun but I still managed to make it through the day. It was a typical Sunday that I'm not at home very much. I went to my 2 meetings before church, picked Lexi up for church, then shortly after church was over, she left and I went back to the church for tithing settlement. I woke up feeling really yucky and not feeling good at all so that wasn't fun but I still managed to make it through the day. Aubrey got back from going home and we ended up talking for a couple hours until I went home, took Nyquil and went to bed around midnight.

I woke up at noon today still not feeling well but I haven't taken any meds today and am feeling better than yesterday. I hope this cold goes away as fast as it came (I felt fine Saturday but it hit out of no where on Sunday). I haven't really done anything today except talked to Brittney and Carli and chilled in my pjs in bed. Tonight for fhe we're going to bishops house for food and games. I'm gonna take some meds and hope that I feel better.

Well that's what happened this week! I plan to post weekly so it shouldn't be another 5 months till I post again haha.

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