Thursday, January 27, 2011

Personal Challenge Day 5

Apparently, when you like someone for at least 8 years, it's harder to get over them. Even when you have a relationship after supposedly getting over them. I noticed that he changed is profile picture today so I looked at it just like I do with other friends. his new picture is of him and a girl cuddling with someone in the background making a heart with their hands. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he met someone. He seems happy from the picture. I just always hoped that it would be me.

I saw that right before I left for work so I had no time for self-pity. One of m good friends at work saw me and asked me what was wrong because she could just tell that I was sad. I told her and wrote most of this at work in a notebook (I was dialing today which gave me almost too much time to think). I feel a little better now (I usually feel better after talking to people and writing) but tonight I am so having a nice bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup. That'll be my picture for today!

All of the above writing is what I wrote at work. And yes, I did have my bowl of ice cream :)

I think it was just the unexpectedness of the whole thing. I feel much better now (and not just because of the ice cream haha). I was just sad and hurt a bit. I really will be ok.

I'm going to bed here pretty quick. Night!

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