Saturday, January 25, 2014

I have been blessed

 I have been blessed 
And I feel like I’ve found my way
I thank God for all I’ve been given
At the end of every day
I have been blessed
With so much more than I deserve
To be here with the ones
That love me
To love them so much it hurts
I have been blessed

This chorus is seriously how I feel right now about my life. I have so much going on in my life and I should be feeling stressed out but instead I feel incredibly blessed. Let me explain.

In October, I got the feeling that it was probably time to move out of the Orem YSA 32 ward. I had this thought before, though after ponder and prayer I got the answer that I needed to stay a while longer. This time that the feeling came, my answer was confirmed that I needed to move.

The very night that I decided to move out I set up 5 appointments to look at apartments in Provo. I looked at one duplex that night and ended up deciding to move there since it was a great place. Perfect location, my own room, laundry a few feet away from my bedroom, a piano, lots of room and all at a fantastic price.

I bought a contract from a girl who was getting married though at the time she didn’t have a place to move into yet. The estimated move in date I was given was 5 weeks after my other apartment ended so I ended up being technically homeless.

Luckily for me, I have great friends that let me sleep over or offered to. I was able to move in after just 2 weeks of living out of my car. While I miss my old ward and roommates but this place has been fantastic.

In August I had the wonderful experience of being able to go through the temple. Mom and Dad got to come out and go with me along with other friends who could go. It was a great experience and I have loved every time I’ve gone since.

Soon after that, I got to go with Maddie to get hers before her mission and Lauren and Krista for theirs before they got married. Being able to be there for my friends in their special moments was an experience I wouldn’t trade for the world.

On Friday the 17th, I had an interview for an internship at KSL news and while I was there they gave it to me! They have me doing a hybrid of social media for them and writing. I started on Tuesday and it has been fantastic so far. I go up there in Salt Lake Mondays through Fridays in the evenings. I decided to take the FrontRunner train rather than drive so that I don’t have to deal with gas money, traffic and possibly driving drowsy since I get out late. They gave me a pass for the train and I have been able to do homework during my commute, which is really helpful.

Now that I have this internship, my life is extremely busy. With the internship and the school paper, I now have 18 credits. Depending on the day, I leave my place at 8:30 or 11. I go to my classes and work in the dean’s office and Salt Lake then I don’t get home from the train until about 1am. It is quite a long day but I have managed this week and I m confident that I can handle it all.

For general conference in April, the Orem Institute gets to sing in the Saturday afternoon session. They are the only institute that does not need to combine with another to have enough people. There were auditions since so many people would want to join and they had to be sure that those who would be in the choir could sing.

I felt like I should audition and since they were before I even applied for the internship, I knew my schedule would allow for it. When the auditions were over, I found out that I made it into the choir. I am honored to have this opportunity to bear my testimony through song to the world.

All in all, I am so busy that my only free time is on Saturdays but I am so happy right now. I feel strongly that Heavenly Father is watching over me and guiding me through my life, making sure that I have the experiences, opportunities, challenges and everything else that I need in my life. I couldn’t ask for anything more than that.

❤ ﭢ 

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