Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Life is good!

Yet again, I fail at writing on here! I think about it but then I get caught up in other things and don't get around to it. Here I am to update you on my life since it has been over a year since I have updated.

In December 2012. I got my Associates of Arts. I am so glad to finally have gotten a degree. I was beginning to feel like I had been going to school for forever and had nothing to show for it.

Coming April 2015: Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a concentration in Journalism and a minor in Digital Media. I am so very excited to announce this to everyone. This is updated as of last week. I started writing for the UVU in February 2013 and I quickly grew to love it. I took a shot in the dark and applied for a scholarship staff position for this next school year and I made it! I am the Assistant Opinions Editor for the 2013-2014 school year. I will be regularly writing articles and helping the editor in editing the pieces and coming up with ideas for stories. I had a minor in Spanish, but I started to explore other options when I completed the Spanish courses I needed for my generals. The program at UVU caters to those students who have been immersed in the language so those of us who have not had that experience have so much more work to do. I have taken enough classes that I feel confident enough in my Spanish to continue to learn and practice on my own to get what I need done in my life with it. The journalism program suggested taking some digital media courses to be helpful in the world as a journalist. I looked up the classes that I could take and I loved them! With my previous background with working with computers, it shouldn't be too difficult. I'm excited for the courses that I will be taking for the next 4 semesters.

In November 2012, I was frustrated enough with my call center job that I decided to get a seasonal job just to remind me that I really did like my job at the call center. Well, the day after I signed employment papers with Bath and Body Works at my local mall, I found out that the call center would be closing down in just over a week. I was shocked at how blessed I had been to be able to get a new job just in time. I got to stay there after the season was over and I have now been working there for 7 months. It is often tiring since I am on my feet the entire time, but my managers are really helpful in making sure that I get the breaks I need and that I don't work too long of shifts.

This summer, I am not taking classes since non of them were available for me to take. As a result, I was pretty bored for a while. Work at Bath and Body Works slowed down and I had very little to do. I had been casually looking for a second job but I was being picky, looking for a desk job that I would be able to sit for the majority of the time. After asking many times, there was finally a position available for the job I had been wanting for a while. I am now an assistant to the assistant to the dean in the college of technology and computing on UVU campus (did you follow that? haha). Lauren had this job last summer and loved it and ever since I had hoped to be able to get in. It's just the right position for me. I answer the phone and do other tasks that my immediate supervisor needs. Now I am being productive and making money at the same time! As of now, it's not for sure if I'll be able to stay in the fall, but we are trying to make my schedule work with the schedule for the office. If I am able to keep it, I will probably only work at BBW on Friday and Saturdays since the office job is Mon-Fri 3-6 and I will be in classes.

My roommate, Valerie was in a documentary photography project this summer and for it she had several projects she needed to do. One of them was for a cause, which she asked me if I'd be the subject for. Though the class is over, she wants to continue the project. She posted the project as of now on her blog. If you want to take a look, here is the link: http://thelife200.blogspot.com/2013/06/amanda-hollman-muscular-dystrophy.html.

I should update you all in about 2 weeks. My little brothers are going to come out to Utah to visit with me for a week then I'm going to go back to Colorado for a week and spend some quality time with my family. I should have lots of stories after that adventure!

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