Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Kicking off Senior Year

A few weeks ago I was talking with my friend about how we were both heading into our senior year of our undergrad and realizing that in less than a year we would hopefully have a full time job and figuring out what we're doing with the rest of our lives.

It's quite intimidating actually. I mean, I've been going to school for 6 years (it'll be 7 when I finish) and I don't really know how to live life without going to school. I did do it for a year when I moved to Utah so I could get in-state tuition but let's face it, I was a bump on a log that year working part time and really doing nothing else. We're talking about the real world here! It's crazy.

Well in this conversation with my friend I told her that I'd probably have major senioritis since I've been going to school for so long. She said something that changed my perspective on this final year:

It's the last year before everything changes. We'll never be in this situation again; make the most of it.

I've been pondering that thought since that conversation and it has really got me charged up for this year. I am so excited to see what I can learn, what experiences I can have and what life has in store for me both while I finish up my bachelor's degree and what comes after.

I headed to my first day of classes with this new found energy and drive. It made all the difference: I am so stoked for this semester! I'm working on classes for both my major (journalism) and my minor (digital media-where I'm taking web classes and art classes to get graphic design skills) so I have a few of each kind this semester.

My first class of the week is 2D Design. We were only in class for 20 minutes (it's usually a 2 1/2 hour class) before he let us out to get supplies but I'm so excited for it! We get to draw, paint and I'm not even sure what else we're doing but I'm excited to see my art skills develop over the course of the semester.

After that art class I go to Theories of Communication and Culture. I was a little intimidated for the class before I even went because it just sounds intense but from the moment I got in the classroom I changed my mind. The teacher is energetic and so happy to be there. There are at least a half dozen students who have taken at least 1 class from her before and they raved about her classes. I know a few people in the class too so that'll be helpful.

My first class of the alternate days is Basic Drawing. This is a drawing class for non-majors and it's all about learning skills to draw. There students vary from "I know I can't draw" to a girl who was sketching while we waited for the teacher to come and since I'm in between those levels, I totally feel comfortable in that group. The professor said that his goal for the semester is to improve our drawing and he said that we should be able to see an improvement in just 3 weeks. Like I said for my other art class, I'm excited to see how I'll improve. The teacher also said that taking these 2 art classes together is super helpful since they teach similar things but in different ways.

Next I go to Free Expression in a Democratic Society. Yes, it is as intimidating as it sounds haha. This is a law based class, especially about the first amendment, so that as journalists we know what rights we do and do not have. The class is based almost entirely on tests (best 2 of 3 exams, a quiz, a small assignment and coming to class) so I'll be studying a bunch this semester.

My last class is Public Relations. I'm taking this with a newspaper friend of mine, which will be great so we can study together. The teacher has all kinds of experience in the field and he just loves what he does.

I found a website/app that you put in all of your homework assignments and it helps keep you and your deadlines organized. It works on my laptop, tablet and phone, which is really nice for whatever device I happen to be using at the time. So far it seems like it's my style of organization so I'm excited to see how it'll help keep me balanced and not to procrastinate.

I'm again on the UVU Review staff, this time as the Culture Editor (basically, online only Lifestyle section). My section covers primarily the arts with other culture like stuff in the mix too. It's been slow this summer but it'll get rolling in September so that'll be a fun addition to my semester and my senior year.

Well, I hope to update this throughout the semester to let you know how it's going, but I'm not guaranteeing anything because I don't have a very good track record at keeping this up haha.

Here's to having a great second to last semester!

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