Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The musings of a new graduate student

As I was packing my backpack tonight, getting ready for my first day of graduate school, I reflected a lot about the long path that has brought me to this point.

I thought about the last 8 years, 7 of which were filled with an effort to complete my bachelor's degree. I thought about that day 4 months ago when I finally was able to proudly walk across the stage and receive my diploma. I thought about how I finally was accepting the idea that I had actually graduated, and how weird it was that I was still about to start school.

 I thought about all of my other first days and all the emotions that came with each of them - excitement, dread (yes, I admit it), anxious, nervous. Each semester brought another step on the seemingly never ending road to completion.

But I finished and now I'm moving forward and continuing my education.

The emotions for this first day are similar, but in a different way. I'm mostly excited. Excited of the uncertainty of it all. Excited for the chance to learn more and to shape my knowledge to lead me to new and great things.

I've had so many changes lately. I'd had my very first full time job for 2 months, my very own apartment for 1 month (along with it a new ward and new friends) and I'm about to start a new program at a new school with new teachers. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous or anxious; change is scary. So far though, the changes have been good and I'm sure starting my Master's will be just as good.

Here's to the next adventure.

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Next Big Step

The past six months have been just crazy! Senior year was way more stressful than I thought it would be. I don't think I've even been that stressed in my life. But I made it through!


This semester I worked on my senior project, which was a documentary on interactions between those with and without disabilities. It was a lot of work but it was well worth it! Watch it below or follow this link:

Two days before graduation, I started at a new job. It's non profit called Child Rescue dedicated to fighting child sex trafficking located in Salt Lake. If you wanna check them out, here's their website: Right now I'm doing part time but it will develop into a full time position. I'll be doing a variety of things involving anything from communications to marketing or whatever they need help with.

On the same day as graduation, I got a call from Westminster College in Salt Lake and they told me that I got accepted! I'm going to be getting a Masters of Arts in Community Leadership. It's basically a combination of communication, marketing and business with a goal towards working with nonprofits. I'm going to be meeting with the program director this coming week to plan my fall semester. I'm super excited for it! So look for another graduation announcement in two years!

Since both my job and my school will be in Salt Lake, I'm working on moving up there. There aren't any solid plans at all, but it's in the works. I'm going to miss being down in Provo/Orem, but I'm excited to see where my life goes in the next few months!

Now I just need to figure out a method to be able to most a little more often than twice a year...