Monday, September 22, 2014

The Sleep Deprived Lifestyle of a College Senior

While writing once a month isn't prime, at least it's better than before! I'm really trying to do better with updating this but with my crazy life it gets difficult.

This semester hit the ground running without much time to catch up with it. While I love all my classes, they are a lot of work. Both of my art classes give assignments over the weekend to work on, and they are typically not quick ones. My PR class has a quiz each day on the chapter we had to read, which is never short. Comm law is just plain intense (I mean, it's law so really it's expected). My theories class requires the least amount of work and I really enjoy what I'm learning so that's not bad at all. All in all, I'm pretty busy with school but I'm learning a lot and I am enjoying it all so I try not to complain too much.

Despite the workload, I am so glad that I chose to take my two art classes. I have learned so much about different techniques and it's helped develop my skills. I'll post pictures of them when I get them back from portfolio so you guys can give me feedback too :)

A couple weeks ago I got the chance to meet one of my heroes: Noelle Pikus-Pace. If you don't know who she is, I'll give you a brief recap. She got the silver medal in the 2014 Olympics for the US. A few years ago she was badly injured when a bobsled ran off course and ran into her leg-ya, serious broken bones-but she pulled through it like a champ and went back to the Olympics. She also went to UVU when it was UVSC and she was the keynote speaker for a leadership training last year. Ever since then I have wanted to meet her.

A few months ago I sent her a message via her website just telling her that I admire her and a little about my life. She sent me a sweet message in reply.

She came to the Deseret Book near my house to do a book signing and I was super excited and determined to fit it in my schedule. I had a Relief Society activity that I was partially in charge of that started a half hour after the book signing started. So I got to the store early to make sure that I was in the beginning of the line. Since I was 3rd in line, I got up to the table pretty quickly. She was really nice and in the conversation I mentioned the message she had sent me. It just took a couple words for her to remember who I was and she stopped signing and said she had to give me a hug.

It was a great experience. Plus, I even made it to my activity with a little time to spare.

When she realized who I was
This past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to go up to Rexburg to escort my sister through the temple. It was so good to be able to be there and to help her with that experience. It was a short weekend but it was definitely great. I also got to participate with many others in Utah in the re-dedication of the Ogden, Utah temple. I forgot how much I love those meetings. It was truly a blessing to be able to attend in my stake center that acted as an extension of the temple.

PS, I was slouching-she is so not that much taller than me!
I look forward to plowing forward with this semester and the wonderful adventures that are in store!