Friday, October 5, 2012

Family Search Pun

It's been a while since I've posted. Sorry! I just wanted to share this picture that I made ;-)

Have a wonderful day!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

New Year, New Adventures

And...I fail at keeping up a blog haha. My bad!! A lot has happened in my life since December! Haha. Let me try to catch you up.

I moved in with 2 of my great friends that I've met here in Orem and I'm loving it. It is worth the 32 stairs to get up there. I decided that it is the best apartment location cuz it has a parking spot for me right in front, the mailboxes are right there too, and the office and laundry are at the bottom. Totally worth it. I have just loved living with these amazing girls. They have made my life so much better :)

This semester I am almost done with my generals and I am so excited to only have 2 left! I feel like I have been doing them forever so it'll be nice to be done. I applied to BYU but I have too many credits so I didn't get accepted so I am going to complete my degree here at UVU. I decided back in my freshman year of high school that I wanted to be an elementary school teacher and then I put blinders up to any other options. Since I have to start over with my major classes, I decided it would be a good idea to open my eyes to what other things I enjoy and could major in. I am taking a public speaking class this semester and I love it! I went and talked to a counselor and decided that I loved it enough to make it my major! He said that a lot of employers look for speech and writing skills so I will have lots of options for a career. I don't know exactly what I want to do with it yet, but I have been looking and there are many things that I could choose from so I'm looking forward to what is in store for me :)

This year, I also became a business woman! I decided to become a Mary Kay independent beauty consultant and in the 2 months that I have been doing it, I love it! I am in a great unit that teaches me a lot about how to be successful and so far, I am in the process of earning my very first career car!! (yes, I can earn a free car from the company). I am excited! I have 3 team members so far and I look forward to my future in this business.

I also got released from being the Relief Society president in my ward. It has taken some getting used to not knowing what I don't need to know, but I do enjoy just being part of the congregation again. The new president is amazing (of course I am not biased at all, being that she is my amazing roommate). I am now the employment specialist and am learning what my duties are for that calling.

Well, that is pretty much what I have been doing the past 3 months since I last posted. At least that's my stories summed up into a few paragraphs haha. I will try to keep you better updated since I know many of you don't see me on a regular basis and want to know what is going on in my life :)